बुधवार, 9 मार्च 2011

Spirit of 'mother land' forgotton for political gains: RSS chief

MANGALORE: Peace can be brought in the Kashmir valley only by instilling the feeling of oneness among people and not by giving away land, said Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh Chief Mohan Bhagwat.

Addressing the swayamsevaks from Puttur and surrounding regions on Sunday, Mr. Bhagwat said unfortunately the issue of Kashmir was being treated like a property dispute. “You cannot get peace by giving away land. We have seen the result of division (creation of Pakistan). Did we get peace? We cannot allow another division,” Mr. Bhagwat said.

“There is no question of talking to separatists,” he said and added the Centre's action only indicates that the Government was not looking at the issue from perspective of nation's integrity and solidarity.

Mr. Bhagwat said the RSS would continue to work towards creating the feeling of nationalism, which is necessary for the development of the country. Such a feeling will also root out the white collared corruption, which was weakening the country's economy.

स्त्रोत: http://www.hindu.com/2011/03/07/stories/2011030761160500.htm

Puttur: Mohan Bhagwat, Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) Chief said the spirit of motherland had been forgotten in the country by the politicians for 'short time' political gains.

Mr Bhagwat deplored the lack of political commitment and national feeling among the politicians, who treated the 'motherland' as a mere 'country side'.

"This type of apathy on part of politicians is the root cause for several unresolved several problems including the Jammu and Kashmir issue, which has been haunting the country for long time," he said.

He asserted that the so called Pakistan-Occupied-Kashmir was an integral part of India and it cannot be 'sold' for mere political gains or selfish motives of politicians practising 'vote bank' पोलिटिक्स।
स्त्रोत: http://www.sahilonline.org/english/news.php?cid=1&nid=10400

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